Mathematics Grade 2

51 students

Mathematics Grade 2

Hi there kids,

Mathematics is one of my favourite subjects. Because it teaches us to add and take off the things around us. It is called Addition and Subtraction.

Mathematics is spread over all the grades in our school. Like Addition and Subtraction in Grade 1, we can learn Multiplication and Division in Grade 3 etc. It advances in each grade.

In this grade, we will learn how Addition and Subtraction works.

Addition means finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers. Example: 2 + 1  = 3.

By Subtraction, we mean taking away from a whole number Example: 2 – 1  = 1.

So let’s get started. I’m sure you’ll love it.

This course is currently set as FREE. So go ahead, make AukSunLMS, Your Homeschool!

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  • 1. How Addition Works

    A beginning lesson using sets for kids and parents to work through together

  • 2. Using a Numberline to Add

    How to see addition in your head

  • 3. Place Value Review

    A review of place values to get you ready for bigger numbers

  • 4. Adding Numbers Within 100

    Getting used to adding bigger numbers

  • 5. Adding Numbers Within 100 With Regrouping

    Learning how to regroup when adding two-digit numbers

  • 6. Adding Numbers Within 1000

    Learning how to regroup when adding three-digit numbers

  • 7. Scratch Addition

    A cool way to add long columns of numbers without messing up!

  • 8. How Subtraction Works

    What is subtraction? Play with objects and find out!

  • 9. Fact Families

    Learning your number families for addition and subtraction

  • 10. Yardstick Subtraction

    Learn how to do subtraction in your head using a yardstick or number line

  • 11. Subtracting Numbers Within 1000

    Learning how to regroup when subtracting three-digit numbers

  • 12. Place Value Review

    A review of place values to get you ready for subtraction with bigger numbers

  • 13. Subtracting Numbers Within 100 With Regrouping

    Learning how to regroup when subtracting two-digit numbers

  • 14. Subtracting Numbers Within 100

    Getting used to subtracting bigger numbers



I’m happy to welcome you to my class. I am Rachael Young ( ) and I am a virtual Grade2 Class teacher, teaching Science. I am an educational consultant since 2001. I guide, improve and value teaching. My forte is training and development of educational resources, the accompaniment of projects of educational innovation as well as the creation of groups interest. In addition, I implement training activities for new pupils. My teaching expertise focuses on * the evaluation of learning *, more specifically on the practices that support the learning of students. For teachers and faculties interested in experimenting with innovative tools like online training and e-Schooling, I have set up a whole range of support systems. I am a highly motivated, enthusiastic and dedicated educator who wants all children to be successful learners. – Log in and let the magic begin!